The ‘Wilderness for Children’ project of the Biological Station Östliches Ruhrgebiet aims to give as many children as possible the chance to experience nature close to the city. To this end, the Biological Station Östliches Ruhrgebiet has secured 6 green spaces in Bochum and 2 in Herne in the vicinity of residential neighbourhoods as so-called nature experience areas (in planning) since 2010. These are areas of around 1-2 hectares in size, where there are jungle-like bushes with paths, small clearings for building huts, sliding slopes, climbing trees, etc. Children can play, romp, muddle and experience nature freely and independently around the clock on these wilderness areas.
We also regularly organise events in the areas, such as weekly → Wildnistreffs.
Playing in the nature experience areas is free of charge, as is participation in wilderness meetings. This is possible because ‘Wilderness for Children’ has received various → grants.
All children are welcome at ‘Wilderness for Children’. We are particularly pleased when children from the immediate neighbourhood of the areas can reach them independently and play freely here. Experience has shown that children between the ages of 5 and 12 find the wilderness areas particularly exciting.
Free weekly wilderness meetings are now held in all areas. They are open to all children. Parents are welcome to accompany the children and bring siblings with them. At the wilderness meetings, environmental/wilderness educators guide the children through play and accompany them in discovering nature. However, the responsibility for supervision always remains with you as the parent or guardian.
Our environmental and wilderness educators have successfully completed in-depth training in fields such as biology, wilderness education and experiential education. They also all have a clean criminal record and have successfully completed a current first aid course.
Depending on capacity, we are also happy to offer individually arranged impulse events on the areas. For details, please see → Veranstaltungen für Schulklassen und KiTas. If you are interested, just call us (0 23 23/229 64 10) or write a → Mail.
Especially in urban areas, natural spaces have become rare. However, spending time in the fresh air and in nature is very important for healthy child development: by experiencing nature, children are strengthened both in their motor skills and in their psychological development. In addition, their social skills are promoted when playing with other children. Many children can also make friends here. On the wilderness areas, they can let off steam, relax and recharge their batteries.
Experiencing nature is also the best nature conservation work in the urban area. Connectedness and love of nature are key factors for later environmental commitment. Extensive contact with nature in childhood is formative in this respect. They allow an unconscious and lasting appreciation to develop in passing.